Reflections on AI

Sometimes, I get scared of Generative AI and LLMs. Please don't get me wrong, I work every day with GPT, and, in my mind, at least, I've already conferred GPT a gender and a personality, and I like to think we're best buddies. So I love Generative AI and its promise to help us build a better future, but I would be lying if I said I'm not scared of it sometimes.

The small things scare me, like, for instance, the tiny artist's signature in a generated image. Who was the artist who just wanted to share her art with the world and ended up unwittingly training someone's LLM? Is it ethically acceptable for me to use these images?

I want to know who that artist is, sign up for their Patreon, and send them a fair amount of money for their art. I have so many questions, not many answers, or just good enough answers that don't feel good inside.

Ultimately, I like to take a middle-ground balanced approach to it; I use it daily and try to get the most out of it, but I don't forget the other means of doing a good job (simply reading a book or talking to another human). I will not stop improving myself just because AI is making things easier, just like artists didn't stop creating art after photography became a thing. I'm still a dreamer who dreams about a future close to classic Star Trek, almost without conflicts and full of goodness (but let's not stop building bigger guns to protect it 🤣).

P.S.: No, I didn't use the generated image in the end.


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